Quivira 4.1


Latest Version

Quivira 4.1

Quivira 4.1 contains 11,053 characters.


Related links

Links about Unicode, fonts and typography and useful tools.

Other links

Links without direct relations to Quivira.

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The Unicode Consortium
All information about The Unicode Standard, e.g. the Code Charts that show the names of all defined characters.
Unicode character map for Windows, much more substantial and convenient than the one which comes along with Windows.
Solitune – Netzwerk der Medien­schaffenden (German)
Network of media workers in the German region Baden. Quivira is listed as a project.
Got Unicode?
Elizabeth Pyatt’s Blog about Unicode tips and ressources.
Moheb’s Coptic Pages
A list of fonts suitable for writing Coptic and further information about using Coptic on computers.
The Chess Variant Pages
Very extensive Website about variants of the Chess game. Quivira is listed as a Desktop Publishing Resource.
High-Logic’s FontCreator
The comfortable program Quivira is developed with.
Rogier van Dalen’s OpenType compiler OTComp
The compiler I use for the OpenType features in Quivira.
Everson Mono
Large and very elegant monowidth font.
A rather informal looking large Unicode font with many East Asian and Private Use characters.
eigentümlich frei (German magazine)
»Eigentum – das ist der Schlüssel zur Freiheit. Um Eigentum und Freiheit dreht sich in eigentümlich frei vieles. Denn Menschen unterscheiden sich in ihrer Vorstellung vom Glück. Erst mit seinem Eigentum kann jeder tun und lassen, was er für richtig hält, ganz eigentümlich und freisinnig.«
(André F. Lichtschlag, Herausgeber der Zeitschrift eigentümlich frei)
Great webcomic by Mark Stanley.